Hontianska energetická, s. r. o. (ltd.) is a company which implemented the project of biomass utilisation through Energy Efficiency Management for the company Stefe THS in Veľký Krtíš. This project is based on the experience of a similar project implemented in the Town of Revúca. The company Hontianska energetická, s. r. o. (ltd.) is the investor of the new biomass boiler plant which was built within the premises of the former coal boiler plant. The new source is wood biomass as fuel.
All heat generated from biomass is supplied to the company Stefe THS which operates the district heating system in the town and distributes heat further to its customers.
Such cooperation model guarantees to the local operator CZT supply of heat from biomass at guaranteed prices, without the need of own investment. The entire investment is made by the company Hontianska energetická, s. r. o. (ltd.).The local operator and customer purchasing heat from biomass at guaranteed prices – Stefe THS – does not need to invest. The company Hontianska energetická, s. r. o. (ltd.) also provides for the operation of the biomass boiler plant, securing its reliability and effectiveness.

For more details on the company activities visit the company website www.hontianskaenergeticka.sk.