The company Hriňovská energetická, s. r. o. (ltd.) operates the system of central heat generation and distribution in the town of Hriňová. It provides for heating for the municipal sphere and for the industrial site within the town. It has been member of the energy group Intech Slovakia, s. r. o. (ltd.) since 2005.
Hriňovská energetická, s. r. o. (ltd.) is one of the first Slovak energy companies which started to use biomass as a source of energy. At present, the company produces a major part of heat from wood biomass.
The company intensively works with other renewable energy sources, as well. It owns and operates a small hydroelectric power plant in Hriňová.
Its activities in the field of biomass utilisation are successfully developed also in the Town of Revúca in cooperation with the company Stefe THS, s. r. o. (ltd.). Through Energy Efficiency Management, it runs the biomass boiler plant in Revúca and supplies heat to the local operator CZT – the company Stefe THS, s. r. o. (ltd.).
Another important company activity is the running of a hypermarket selling boilers, furnaces, fireplaces and solar collectors KOTLA. It is the largest Slovak store with the widest offer of such equipment.
For more details on the company activities visit the company website www.hrinovskaenergeticka.sk.