The company Rimavská energetická, s. r. o. (ltd.) has been part of the energy group Intech Slovakia, s. r. o. since 2007. It operates the district heating system in the Town of Hnúšťa.
The company Rimavská energetická, s. r. o. (ltd.) has rented assets from the Town of Hnúšťa related to heat generation and distribution since 01 October 2007. The principal objective of the cooperation with the town is to ensure complex modernisation of heating in the town.
The first step the company made was the utilisation of renewable energy sources. It built a new boiler plant using wood biomass as basic fuel. This resulted in a significant decline in natural gas consumption and subsequently in the reduction of heat prices for end consumers.
These modernisation steps include centralisation of the fragmented system. The company gradually closed small ineffective boiler-rooms and connected new circuits to the central biomass boiler plant, thus increasing the positive impacts on biomass use in the town.
In 2009, the heating system of the town was expanded by an industrial park. The outdated gas boiler plant was liquidated, and the heating system of the industrial park was connected to the central municipal boiler plant, thus expanding the benefits from biomass use also to companies running their activities in the Town of Hnúšťa.
During the period 2009–2011, the company modernised the heat distribution system in the town and built home compact heat exchanging stations, thanks to which it could install 360 solar collectors used for the pre-heating of hot utility water.

For more details on the company activities visit the company website www.rimavskaenergeticka.sk.