On 01 January 2013, the company Trebišovská energetická, s. r. o. (ltd.) became the operator of the district heat generation and distribution system in the Town of Trebišov on the basis of a tender.
The heat generation and distribution system in Trebišov is based on several autonomous circuits. At present, it is fully dependent on heat generation from natural gas.
After taking over the entire system, the company Trebišovská energetická, s. r. o. (ltd.) started to immediately work on its gradual modernisation. This process will be based on several fundamental principles. The main principle will be the diversification of the fuel base. A central boiler plant will be built for heat generation using renewable energy source. The primary source of energy will be local biomass instead of natural gas. Since Trebišov lies within an agricultural region, the main fuel will be cereal straw and wood biomass. Natural gas will be used to the smallest extent.
The next stage of modernisation will be the centralisation of the entire system. The different autonomous circuits will be interconnected within a single central system connected to the new central boiler plant using renewable sources. The other parts of the heat distribution system will be gradually modernised in the next stages so as to reduce distribution losses to the lowest level possible.
The modernisation of the entire system will bring improved quality of heat supply, increased comfort for customers, and the expansion of services.

For more details on the company activities visit the company website www.trebisovskaenergeticka.sk.